She’s cool, comes from a good family, doesn’t have a weave (sorry, but it matters), isn’t nuts, works at Goldman, went to Brown, oh and truth be told, this FIRST thing you noticed about her was that arch in the back leading down to the tail (not pictured here, of course, since she’s really your lady..gotta keep it high level). So what’s the issue? Everything’s good? Naaaaah meng. Everythang AINT good. In fact, it’s bad. Because in the 1.5 years you dated her, you also got a great job and really began to see what’s out in those grown man streets. Meanwhile, she’s deciding between cushion cut and traditional round.

Ridiculously hot, met her on vacation, wish she spoke English probably already

You love them. They’ll never stop producing them. And the older you get, the worse the problem becomes. You’d think your tastes would change. You’d think that girl you liked when you were in college, you would have outgrown.  Wrong. You looked on facebook and she’s held up surprisingly well. You wish you caught MORE of that girl back then and wouldn’t mind seeing her NOW.  Â